
Meditation for me is about pulling the thoughts out, one by one, until there are no thoughts left in the mind. Our minds can be so preoccupied with memories, future things, expectations and planning that we forget to just be now. But when you do experience that small moment inside where you are present, a state where you might not be sure what you are feeling, your mind can’t explain it. That is when we are truly open hearted and in touch with ourselves.

The mind will be calm for awhile, then it starts running again, just kindly bring it back. It’s an ongoing training of the mind. The mind is like that, it’s frustrating but it doesn’t matter, it just is the nature of the mind. Once you have tamed that ‘monkey’ mind for a long time, it will just listen to you and sit there quietly.

‘Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to for a long time, without break and in all earnestness.’ Patañjali

Spending a little time in the morning and evening to sit with yourself, makes life more care free. Feeling more content, just to be as we are, without needing anything from the outside world to find happiness within.


Here is a gentle 10 minute meditation, recorded on the beach.